Why MGTOW Represent the Most Powerful Force Against the Patriarchy, the Gynocracy and Feminsts


Who are MGTOW and what do they represent?  Why are MGTOW such a powerful force?  Do feminists and progressives underestimate the power of men walking away from man-hating (misandric), gynocentric, feminist policies and laws?


Feminism inadvertently freed men from their patriarchal role as provider and protector.  How did they do this?  They walked away from their traditional roles.  Feminists are only now realizing that men abandoning their patriarchal roles is bad for women (women didn’t get this part of Marxism early on). When men en masse refuse to be destroyed for the patriarchy and the gynocracy, in marriage and in war, that leaves women with no option but to provide for and protect themselves. This was not the intent of feminists – it’s an unanticipated side effect. This was the intent of Marxism. Marxism wants women dependent on the state and for the majority of men to be emasculated. Why keep men emasculated? So that they don’t form an uprising. What is Marxism? Redistribution of wealth. What did Obama run on? Redistribution of wealth. What are progressives and feminists for? Redistribution of wealth. Don’t let anyone tell you that this is “tinfoil hat” theory. Progressivism is re-branded Marxism, and it is very real.

What comes next? It’s happening all around you now, to wit:

Who are MGTOW:

Men that are done with the gynocracy, feminists, anti-feminists, the patriarchy, progressives, conservatives and deeply imbedded cultural misandry.  MGTOW are men that can’t be fooled by the powers that be, or their gynocentric cohorts.

Forcing cohabiting couples into marriage after X number of months of cohabitation:

Giving your girlfriend a claim to your property, savings and future income. This is already being pushed in the UK (see ‘Cohabitation Rights Bill’). This is already law in many Westernized countries. Many men think this law won’t come to the US. Why? After all they’ve lost to feminists, the gynocracy and the patriarchy – men are still very, very naive.

The redefinition of anti-feminist speech as hate speech:

It is already a career destroying move to speak publicly against feminism. If you need proof, look at Kaley Cuoco. Look at NFL commissioner. He didn’t even speak against feminism – he just didn’t snap to it fast enough for the feminists. Men’s rights groups are despised by white knights, manginas and captain-save-a-hos, which are a large percentage of the male population. Westernized countries are looking to counter or ban speech against replacement rate immigration (multiculturalism) and anti-feminism.


Which is pandering to men’s chivalrous nature in the worst way possible (through manipulation). This is the latest and greatest example of pure gynocentrism and man-hate. The patriarchy is lapping it up. Don’t buy into it. People would have laughed if it were renamed to SheForHe. Why? Because men are disposable.

Nationalized health care (which is a tax hike on men):

Already done. ObamaCare shifts the higher cost of healthcare for fertile women over to men. Women live longer than men, so young men will be paying for the subsidized cost of health care for elderly women as well. Women benefit far more than men with ObamaCare. Remember that most births will soon be to single mothers – so the vast majority of men will get no benefit from their forced subsidization of women’s maternity costs.  Women also collect the vast majority of federal spending on welfare, education, social security and medicare.

Paid maternity leave:

Many countries already have this. It’s coming to the US very soon. It will essentially be an extension of welfare for single mothers and/or the addition of months of paid vacation for women only. Why? The majority of births will soon be to single mothers. As a man, you’ll get paid less and be expected to “man up and take on her work” while she takes her many months of paid vacation with her child – on your dime and tolerance. It will be said that men can take the same vacation – but the majority of births will be to single mothers. Male disposability and patriarchal/gynocentric influences will negate the possibility of men taking maternity leave. What I just described is how it now works in countries that already have paid maternity leave.

The removal of presumption of innocence and due process from men and the elimination of punishments for women:

See VAWA and Yes Means Yes. When a woman doesn’t get what she wants or has regrets about her decisions, both make it painfully simple for women to destroy the offending man’s life. No proof that the man did anything need be provided to successfully destroy/prosecute/expel a man under either law. Google ‘woman charged false rape’, ‘woman charged sex boy’ and ‘Community of the Wrongly Accused’. More and more, women are getting lighter and lighter sentences for equal crimes. At the same time, men’s basic rights are being rapidly eroded.

Man hating divorce laws:

It was the patriarchy that created the divorce laws that destroyed tens upon tens of millions of men’s lives – forcing hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of those men into suicide or a life of poverty. The feminists/gynocracy milked it for all it was worth – but the patriarchy is responsible for the vast majority of male disposability.

The patriarchy as men’s biggest enemy:

The patriarchy is a far bigger enemy to most men than the gynocracy/feminists. The patriarchy is the white knight living on bended knee – that which throws the vast majority of men under the bus – and that which gives the gynocracy the muscle power necessary to continue the indentured servitude and destruction of men.

MGTOW and marriage:

A part of MGTOW is about not getting married and not allowing women to have any level of psychological, emotional, financial, legal, physical, spiritual or social power in your life. Why? Over the past several decades, tens upon tens of millions of men’s lives have been destroyed through alimony, child support and parental alienation. False accusations of DV are a common tactic used by women to get custody in divorce. A growing trend is to falsely accuse men of rape. Hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of these men committed suicide as a result of divorce and/or false accusations.

Why Feminists Love the Patriarchal, Oppressive Institution of Marriage – MGTOW


If marriage is such a patriarchal, oppressive institution for women, why do so many feminists still want to get married?


The answer to that question is simple. The stated goal of feminism is to destroy the patriarchy. What does that mean? It means to destroy men and to transfer their power and wealth to women. Which institution gives women free and easy reign to destroy men and transfer their wealth and power to women? Marriage -> the subsequent no-fault divorce -> alimony -> child support. Since child support is based on what you make, it too is a form of alimony (you’re not supposed to know that – so don’t tell anyone).

Ever notice it’s “my body, my choice”, but only for women? Women have the choice to have the baby or to terminate its life – but men MUST pay for the women’s decision regardless. See the double standard there? Funny how that works out in favor of women, right?

When someone says that feminism is about equality – what they really mean is that feminism is about destroying the patriarchy and transferring men’s power and wealth to women – mostly through force of man-hating (misandric) laws.

Whenever a feminist speaks – immediately don your “hypocrisy/double-standard/man-hater translator”. Once you have your translator on, the real meaning of every word she/he says will become crystal clear. If you don’t have your translator on, you’re going to end up very confused.

Feminists want to have sex outside of wedlock as well, but they want laws like ‘yes means yes’ to destroy the patriarchal offender should they regret that sex somewhere down the line (when the guy dumps them or after they have consensual drunk/drugged up sex). Women can consent to drive drunk – and then pay the consequences. Why? It was their choice to drive drunk. They cannot however consent when they get loaded and regret sex the next day. Why? Patriarchy! See how it works now? Feminism = hypocrisy + double standards + anti-male hate + transferring male wealth and power to women.

HeForShe is designed to pander (in a manipulative way) to men’s chivalrous nature. Why HeForShe? Why now? More and more men are opting out of marriage. If becomes more difficult to destroy men and transfer their wealth to women if fewer men get married, right? That’s why the “Cohabitation Rights Bill” is working its way through the parliament in the UK. This bill, if passed, will give women in the UK rights to asset division and alimony after X number of months of cohabitation. This bill is being pushed because the white knights of the patriarchy feel that cohabitation is financially unfair to women.

Never forget: Feminists push for ever more misandric laws and policies – but it is the white knights, captain-save-a-hos and manginas of the patriarchy that enact/vote in such laws (see ‘Yes Means Yes’, Title IX, Affirmative Action, No-Fault Divorce, the VAWA, biased alimony/child support/misandric courts, etc).

Why Feminists and Progressives Lie About Wage, Rape and Domestic Violence Statistics – MGTOW


Why are the wage, rape and domestic violence statistics so horribly falsified in favor of diminishing men’s rights?  Why do the gynocracy and patriarchy falsely inflate women’s suffering and falsely downplay male suffering?  Why are these statistics inflated in such a way that they encourage male hatred?  Why do progressives and conservatives ignore the real statistics and continue to use the false statistics to manipulate and deceive the public?


The gynocracy and patriarchy hate the majority of men; hence male-only selective service.  The Democratic Party, to survive, has to have a constant steam of new victims.  Why?  The Democratic Party would cease to exist without a renewable (green) source of new victims.  To survive as a political force, the Democratic Party needs mass immigration and less marriage, which is why minorities and women make up the lions share of their party.  The Democratic Party cannot obtain it’s wish for a fundamental transformation to a socialist government without the destruction of men and the loyalty of women and minorities.

To survive as a political force, the Republican Party needs a constant stream of naive men to keep marrying and impregnating the chaste, loyal women (LOL) and to keep the white birth rate up.  This reduces mass immigration and keeps the Republicans in power.

Where men are the majority of elected officials and where men are largely dependent on the vote of women to get re-elected, to remain in power, both sides pander shamelessly to the female and minority vote, encourage men to “man up” and further privilege women at the cost of men’s lives.  This is why we need more, not less, elected women in office.  We need to reverse the process, flip the script and make women’s power and wealth dependent on misogynistic policies and laws.  Women will claim that we’ve had misogynistic policies and laws for centuries.  Why?  Women are some deeply, deeply deceptive creatures.  Why else?  Because most men don’t understand how bad they’ve had it for the past few hundred years.  All men should visit realsexism.com and gynocentrism.com for some eye opening information on the carefully hidden cultural misandry that defines the history of men in the US. That women were ever the oppressed class in the US is the single biggest lie ever told.

Want to know how badly you’ve been deceived by women, men?  Want to get your misogyny on?  Visit realsexism.com and gynocentrism.com.  Women are not now, nor have they ever been, the oppressed class in the US.  That privilege has always belonged to men.

Women now:

(1) Hold the majority of US wealth (60%).
(2) Are the majority of high school, undergrad and graduate student graduates.
(3) Collect 98% of alimony and child support.
(4) Collect the majority of federal payouts for SS, Medicare, health, education and welfare.
(5) Represent a tiny fraction of suicides, work place and combat deaths when compared to men.
(6) Pay cheaper health care costs than men in relation to the services they receive (see ACA).
(7) Represent the fewest homeless yet get far, far better access to homeless benefits.
(8) Receive fractional sentences for equal crimes as men.

Why Having More Women in Elected Office Works Towards Men’s Advantage – Go Hillary Clinton! – MGTOW


Why would it be better for men if more women were members of elected office?  Why would it be better to have a woman as president than a man?  Why is having Hillary Clinton as our next president good for men?


Most men in elected office have to vote in a way that prevents the majority of women from voting against them.  For this reason, having a majority of males in congress is highly detrimental to men.  The same goes for having a male president; men in elected office are bad for most men.  Why?  Most men vote in favor of women and throw the majority of men under the bus.  They do this to get re-elected and to gain more power, wealth and poody for themselves.  These men are the patriarchy with which women bemoan.

If more women hold elected office, they too will have to worry about the effect of their votes on their chances for re-election.  This will force those in elected office to vote for fewer man-hating, gynocentric laws and policies.  With a woman president, women will at long last have to sign up for selective service, like men do, to work a federal job.  They’ll have to rescind anti-male laws like Title IX, Yes Means Yes, Affirmative Action, man-hating child support, man-hating alimony, etc.  If a woman has a right to unilaterally terminate the life of her child through abortion – then men have the right to unilaterally decide not to contribute financially to the life of that child.  If a man has no say in whether or not the child lives – why should women have a right to determine if the man contributes financially?

As a man, aren’t you sick of being the disposable cannon fodder in war and in almost all aspects of life – for women that despise you?  Aren’t you sick of the expectations of chivalry in this age of equality?  As a man, aren’t you sick of all the privileges women now have over men?  Women now:

(1) Hold the majority of US wealth (60%).
(2) Are the majority of high school, undergrad and graduate student graduates.
(3) Collect 98% of alimony and child support.
(4) Collect the majority of federal payouts for SS, Medicare, health, education and welfare.
(5) Represent a tiny fraction of suicides, work place and combat deaths when compared to men.
(6) Pay cheaper health care costs than men in relation to the services they receive (see ACA).
(7) Represent the fewest homeless yet get far, far better access to homeless benefits.
(8) Receive fractional sentences for equal crimes as men.

With more women in elected office, we can reverse decades of man-hating, anti-male law and policies.

Let’s flip the man-hating script, shall we?  Let’s make women’s power and wealth dependent on their voting in women-hating policies and laws.  Fair is fair, right?

Why Masterbation and Porn are Better than Marriage for Men – MGTOW


Why would masturbation be a preferable alternative to marriage for men?


In the past, to have stimulating sex, men had to form relationships with women.  When women were chaste and loyal (a long, long long time ago), men had to marry women to have regular sex.  In those days, for a man to satisfy his sexual needs, men had to resign themselves to a lifetime of financial slavery to women (marriage), the subsequent divorce rape and a future of living in poverty (no-fault divorce).  He had to do this (and still does) all while maintaining the lifestyle of his wife and his wife’s children.  He had to do this (and still does) even if his wife caused the divorce by having sex with her pastor, the neighbor, her boss, a coworker, her husband’s best friend or brother or even her husbands divorce attorney.

These days, more and more men are opting out of marriage.  Why?  Because men are getting smarter.  Men are realizing that marriage is now and has always been slavery for men.  Men are realizing that a handful of lotion and some internet porn are far more preferable to the life destroying consequences of marriage to women on men.

Effective male birth control, life-like sex-bots and artificial wombs can’t come fast enough.

Why Men Should Boycott Marriage and Cohabitation with Women – MGTOW


How did the gynocracy and patriarchy work together to destroy marriage?  Why should men boycott marriage and cohabitation with women?


In the US, women are the most privileged class in the history of the world.  In the US, women now:

(1) Hold the majority of US wealth (60%).
(2) Are the majority of high school, undergrad and graduate student graduates.
(3) Collect 98% of alimony and child support.
(4) Collect the majority of federal payouts for SS, Medicare, health, education and welfare.
(5) Represent a tiny fraction of suicides, work place and combat deaths when compared to men.
(6) Pay cheaper health care costs than men in relation to the services they receive (see ACA).
(7) Represent the fewest homeless yet get far, far better access to homeless benefits.
(8) Receive fractional sentences for equal crimes as men.

Most of the richest women in the US are rich because (1) their husbands or father died, leaving them their wealth, or (2) they divorced their husband and raked him over the financial rape coals. Divorced and widowed baby boomer women represent a very rich class indeed.

The gynocracy did not enact/vote in anti-male laws and policies such as Yes Means Yes, the VAWA, Title IX, no-fault divorce, gynocentric alimony and child support, etc. The gynocracy did not give women the right to vote or work outside the home. Who did?  The naive, cowardly, powerful, captain-save-a-ho, mangina-like, white knights of the patriarchy.  Why did the patriarchy do this?  To keep their jobs, to get re-elected and to build more power, wealth and poody access for themselves.  The patriarchy will continue to throw the majority of men under the bus, which is why men should opt out of marriage and cohabitation with women.  Until all of the major policies and laws that discriminate against men are rescinded (alimony, child support, the VAWA, affirmative action, Yes Means Yes, no-fault divorce, etc), men should boycott marriage and cohabitation with women.